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I have used remaining wood from projects in so many ways that I run out of ideas as to what I can do with little bits of wood that remain from my larger projects. Yesterday, I was going over the different things I could fashion out of some leftover red cedar. I thought a cutting…
I have used dried wood so much in my woodwork that I didn’t really consider green wood as much of an option. Upon accidentally finding a video of green wood construction, I went down a rabbit hole and found myself trying my hand at decking with green cedar. Can you build with green cedar? Here…
I have been exploring different uses for Cedar simply because I have a big pile of it. The wood looks beautiful, and I wanted to have a table with a similar grain. So, I went against the woodworker bro wisdom common on the internet forums and decided to build a Cedar table. Is cedar too…
Roofing has been one of the toughest things I have done as a woodworker. It was especially tough early on when I used to manually hammer nails into shingles. Eventually, I started using a nail gun and learned that different roofing materials are receptive to it to different extents. You can use a nail gun…
I was purchasing cedar for a siding project and overheard a kid complaining to his dad about the smell of the lumber. It triggered memories of the first time I went cedar shopping around 19 years ago. Back then, I spent hours looking for Cedar that doesn’t smell. All cedar wood smells with citrus and…
Two days ago, my friend called me asking how far plywood could span. I gave him an answer thinking he was setting up a shelf. A few hours later, he called, frustrated about how it didn’t seem to balance, and the floor would not be stable. “The floor?” I asked as I realized he was…