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  • Featured-Image-how to dry wet wood fast

    How To Dry Wet Wood Fast! Proven Techniques

    When it rains, it pours. And when it pours, wood gets wet and your work stops. Or does it? In 20 years of woodworking, my lumber and I have seen many showers of rain. Initially, I had to wait half a month for the lumber to dry, but then I discovered a few techniques that…

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  • MDF and its limits

    How Strong Is MDF and What Its Limits Are

    MDF is a heavy wood board type that can pass for plywood to a novice. This fiberboard is practically used in most plywood and plywood-adjacent applications, including floating shelves. But MDF shelves are obviously not as strong as plywood ones. With a recent project I completed, I want to share my knowledge and my findings…

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  • 7 Greatest Online Woodworking Stores

    7 Greatest Online Woodworking Stores

    If you’ve started woodworking and have found yourself visiting the local tool shop more often than you’re woodworking, I know how you feel. I have been there. But knowing which online stores I could trust (through trial and error) allowed me to get my woodworking materials without leaving my workshop. I am now even more…

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  • unsafe to cut pressure trated wood

    Is It Safe To Cut Pressure Treated Wood?

    Pressure treated wood is far more formidable and impact-resistant than average wood, which makes more woodworkers hesitant to cut it. Its toughened core can damage cutting tools. But there’s another reason to exercise caution when cutting pressure-treated wood. From my own experience, let me share with you the answer to the question: is it safe…

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  • sanding wet wood

    Can You Sand Wet Wood? 20 Yrs Experience In Sanding

    It is often said that a human spends a third of his life sleeping. I believe a woodworker spends a third of his working life sanding! At least that’s how the past 20 years have been for me. And one of the greatest mistakes I’ve seen people make is misinterpreting wet sanding. So, can you…

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  • Truth On How Long Walnut Lasts Outside

    The Truth On How Long Walnut Lasts Outside

    There’s a lot of debate about how long walnut wood lasts outside. Some say it only lasts a couple of years, while others swear by its longevity and claim it can last up to 20 years. As a professional woodworker, I will tell you the truth about how long walnuts last outside! Generally, walnut wood…

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