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If you’ve recently acquired a CNC routing device, you might notice two things; that its routing bits are detachable and it comes with a few bits. It is reasonable to think of when you might have to replace the bits since not every bit serves the same function, and you might need to replace a…
A CNC router is a convenient contraption to finish, sand, round, or drill aspects of your project with no room for error. A computer-driven machine is much better at handling the standard repetitive motions in wood carving and engraving. But what do you do if your CNC router is missing its routing head? Can you…
When you get a CNC router, you may daydream about creating hundreds of pieces exactly the way you envision. But upon setting up the machine and feeding plans to your computer, you might be disappointed with the results. If the machine hasn’t routed properly, you might wonder if the problem is with your specific device…
Plywood can be cheap, which can tempt one to find different uses for it. Whether you have excess plywood lying around or are tempted by the prices of a certain grade of plywood, any intentions you have of using the material for cooking utensils or serving trays must be informed by how food-safe it is.…
Ikea floating shelves are quite popular in offices and houses alike. But if you plan to use them as actual storage options instead of aesthetic decor-holding units, you might want to know how much weight they can carry before giving way. In general, Ikea floating shelves can hold approximately 33 lbs. or 5 kg of…
When you head out to get plywood, you might consider everything from the size of panels to their cost and how many sheets you’ll get in a bundle. What matters more, especially when lugging plywood across a long area, is its weight. Plywood can weigh between 40 lbs and 63 lbs (18-28kg) depending on whether…