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This space is dedicated to exploring a myriad of topics, offering insights, and sparking conversations. Whether you’re here for inspiration, information, or just a good read, we’re committed to providing you with content that resonates.

  • Doing woodwork outdoors

    Why Woodwork Should be Done Outdoors

    Having woodworking as a hobby is fairly common nowadays. But the problem with woodworking indoors is that it is simply a health hazard. In this article, we’re going to provide you with a superb alternative to indoor woodworking so that you can make incredible pieces of art with wood without any problems. Why woodwork should…

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  • Racking In Woodwork

    What Is Racking In Woodwork? Secrets Revealed

    Racking in woodwork will be familiar to anyone who has done more than a little woodworking in their lives. It is easily avoidable, but equally as easy to cause through the way you work with your wood, and can be the reason for no end of problems as you attempt to shape and work your…

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  • Wood glue vs wood filler

    Wood Putty Vs Wood Filler vs Caulk – Which Do I Use?

    When it comes to getting a perfect finish on your project, it is important to prepare it properly by filling nail holes or blemishes before you apply a finish. Knowing which type of filler to use can be a bit confusing if you are new to woodworking or have never had to use it before…

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  • wood screw need washers

    Do Wood Screws Need Washers? Find Out Here

    I was making a project the other day where the screws I was using were buried too deep and I wanted to bring them out a little. I’m sure many of you think about this from time to time, so I thought I would share the answer to this common question, Do wood screws need…

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  • Perfect size pilot hole

    What Size Pilot Hole For Any Screw – Secret Formula Revealed

    I have inserted thousands of screws into timber over the years, and one thing that is always common with a good joint is, making sure the screws are inserted properly. Now, this seems an easy task but one question that always comes up is What size pilot hole should I drill? The correct size pilot…

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  • Can you use wall paint on wood

    Can You Use Wall Paint On Wood? My Shocked Surprise!

    I know we all have leftover paint in our sheds so I recently had to paint some wooden chairs and I had heard stories of people asking, can you use wall paint on wood? I opened a tin and I was shocked at the results I got. Wall paint is suitable for use on wood.…

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